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Main Page: Titles of European hereditary rulers

Last updated:  Oct 15, 2009










Since 1393, Wallachia had been a vassal of the Sultans of the Ottoman / Osman Turks.


Since 1504, Moldavia  (Moldova) had been a vassal of the Sultans of the Ottoman / Osman Turks.


In 1812 Russia annexed the Eastern part of Moldavia known as Bessarabia.


In Jan 1859, Alexander-John Cuza was elected Prince (Lord) of Moladavia, and, in Feb 1859, he was elected Prince of Wallachia.

In 1862, Moldavia and Wallachia joined to form the Principality of Romania that continued to recognize the Ottoman Sultans as its suzerain.


In 1878, after of the Russo-Turkish war, Romania became an independent state.


In 1881, Romania was declared Kingdom.


In 1918-1920, after of the World War I, Romania acquired Transylvania, Bukovina, Bessarabia etc.


In 1940-1945, during the World War II, the territory of Romania was changed several times. In 1945, the current borders were established.


In 1947, Romania was declared Republic.


In 1992, after the break-up of the Soviet Union, the modern independent Republic of Moldavia was established on the territory of Bessarabia. There were plans to unite Moldavia and Romania, but they have not realized.









1. Universul.

2. Monitorul Oficial.

3. Acte şi documente relative la istoria renascerei României (Bucureşti : 1889-1909; 10 vols).

4. Brezoianu, Ioan. Reformele Romanilor séu collecţiune de toate legile şi regulamentele (Bucureşti : Ştefan Rasidescu, 1864).

5. Pencovici, Alexandru. Desbaterile Adunarei Constituante din anul 1866 asupra Constitutiunei si Legei Electorale din Romania (Bucureşti : 1883).

6. Judecată şi judecătorii Mitropolitul Primat Ghenadie (Bucureşti : 1898).

7. Anuarul Institutului Geologic al României (Bucureşti).

8. Anuar. Pentru Anul Şcolar. 1931-1932 (Bucureşti : 1933).







Chistian (First) names.


Alexander -> Alecsandru;

Charles -> Carol;

John ->  Ioan;

Michael  -> Mihai;







--- 1859-1862


Prince / Lord of the United Principalities of Wallachia & Moldavia;


@ Samples:


(Jan 1859) [3: volumul VIII (1900); p.353; Doc.# 2432]

< Alexander-John I Cuza (+1873), Prince of Moldavia Jan 1859, of Wallachia Feb 1859, n.s., of United Romania 1862; abdicated 1866 >

Noĭ Alexandru Ioan I Cu mila luĭ Dumnezeŭ şi voinţa naţională, Domn al Moldoveĭ


(Mar 1859) [3: volumul VIII (1900); p.1127; Doc.# 2586]

Noĭ, Alecsandru Ioan I, Cu mila luĭ Dumnezeŭ şi voinţa naţională, Domn al Moldoveĭ şi al Ţăreĭ Româneş


(Jan 1862) [4: p.85]

Alecsandru Ioan, Cu mila luĭ Dumned,eŭ şi voinţa naţionale, Domnŭ alŭ Principatelor-Unite, Ţéra Romănéscă şi Moldova







--- 1862-1866


Prince / Lord of the United Romanian Principalities;


@ Samples:


(July 1864) [4: p.659]

< Alexander-John I Cuza (+1873), Prince of Moldavia Jan 1859, of Wallachia Feb 1859, n.s., of United Romania 1862; abdicated 1866 >

Alecsandru Ioan I, Cu mila luĭ Dumned,eŭ şi voinţa Naţională, Domnŭ Principatelor-Unite Române


(Sep 1864) [4: p.733]

Alecsandru Ioan I, Cu mila luĭ Dumned,eŭ şi voinţa naţională, Domnŭ Principatelorŭ-Unite Române







--- 1866-1881


Prince / Lord of the Romanians;


@ Samples:


(June 1866) [5: p.290]

< Charles I of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen (+1914), Prince ( King 1881) of Romania 1866 >

Carol I Din graţia luĭ Dumned,eŭ şi voinţa naţională, Domn al Românilor


(Apr 1878) [5: p.356]

Carol I Prin graţia luĭ Dumned,eŭ şi voinţa naţională, Domn al Românilor







--- 1881-1947


King of Romania;


@ Replaced:


- [1881] "Prince / Lord of the Romanians" with "King of Romania"

Romania was declared Kingdom (1881).


@ Samples:


(Dec 1896) [6: p.256]

< Charles I of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen (+1914), Prince ( King 1881) of Romania 1866 >

Carol I, Prin graţia luĭ Dumnezeŭ şi voinţa naţională, Rege al Romînieĭ


(Feb 1906) [7: volumul I (1908); p.I]

Carol I, Prin graţia lui Dumnezeu şi voinţa naţională, Rege al României


(Oct 1921) [1: 1921; 28 octombrie; # 4266]

< Ferdinand I (+1927), King of Romania 1914 >

Ferdinand I Prin graţia lui Dumnezeu şi voinţa naţională, Rege al României


(Mar 1929) [8: p.41]

< Michael I (born ), King of Romania [1927-1930; 1940-1947] >

Mihai I, Prin graţia lui Dumnezeu şi voinţa naţională, Rege al României


(Feb 1938) [2: 1938; 27 februarie; # 48; partea I]

< Charles II (+1953), King of Romania [1930-1940] >

Carol al II-lea, graţia lui Dumnezeu şi voinţa naţională, Rege al României


(Feb 1945) [2: 1945; 10 februarie; # 33]

< Michael I (born 1921), King of Romania [1927-1930; 1940-1947] >

Mihai I, graţia lui Dumnezeu şi voinţa naţională, Rege al României